Filosofia del gruppo:

“Qualche volta il nostro Angelo migliore, depone le uova.”
Alda Merini “Fiore di poesia”

CRAC fino ad oggi ha realizzato progetti coinvolgendo artisti  istituzioni e pubblico su temi con forti legami col territorio.  

Ora desideriamo proporre opere e operazioni artistico culturali che stimolino anche nuovi modi di pensare e agire.

“…perchè oggi essere artisti non significa più solo creare opere ma contesti, interagire con la realtà che ci sta attorno e produrre modi di pensare e agire” – Annie Ratti, Fondazione Antonio Ratti Milano.


05.05.2002 – CRAC was born as a Center for Research on Contemporary Art in Romagna.

Group philosophy:

“Sometimes our best Angel, lays eggs.” Alda Merini, “Poetry flower”

To date, CRAC has carried out projects involving artists, institutions and the public on themes with strong ties to the local area.

Now we want to propose cultural works and artistic operations that also stimulate new ways of thinking and acting.

“…because being an artist today no longer means just creating works but contexts, interacting with the reality around us and producing ways of thinking and acting” – Annie Ratti, Antonio Ratti Milan Foundation.


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